Charities: Help Harry Help Others

Help Harry Help Others Logo Featuring Harry Moseley
Image © Help Harry Help Others

Help Harry Help Others (H.H.H.O.) is a charity close to Birmingham City’s heart and worthy of any support it gets.

Harry Moseley was a remarkable young lad who whilst battling an inoperable brain tumour, was inspired to make a difference to all people with brain cancer when a friend of his who also had a brain tumour became very ill.  Within the space of just over two years, Harry had organised and attended nearly 100 events to raise money for and awareness of brain cancer.  He touched the hearts of the nation with his efforts and helped change the lives of everyone he met.  You can read his story here.

Please help H.H.H.O. in any way you can.  You can donate to them below.

Georgina Moseley explains how Help Harry Help Others started. 

Help Harry Help Others Logo Featuring Harry Moseley
Image © Help Harry Help Others

Help Harry Help Others logo featuring Harry Moseley.

About Help Harry Help Others

From Harry Moseley’s mom Georgina, and founder / C.E.O. of Help Harry Help Others:

“I understand personally how a diagnosis of cancer can impact your life.  Endless hospital appointments or stays in hospital, normal family routines disrupted and for lots of people the huge financial implications that such an illness inflicts – especially for home owners and those having to leave employment due to their own illness or becoming a carer for a loved one… and that’s without the emotional stress of such a journey.

That’s exactly why Help Harry Help Others has become its own charity and is structured so that we can offer every inch of practical support right in the heart of the community.  We ensure our services are accessible, there is somewhere to go when you are having a bad day, and that we have advisors at our centres that offer support in all areas that you may need because of the life-changing circumstances Cancer inflicts.

Here at Help Harry Help Others we want to support you too! Please take a look at our services and if you need extra help do contact us so that we can support you and you can then focus on what’s really important – each other!” 

Image © Help Harry Help Others via Facebook

Georgina Moseley during the Danceathon in celebration of Harry’s Heavenley 24th birthday on 21/02/2024.

Their is a Just Giving page about it here if you want to donate towards it.

Their Mission

(1) To offer cancer patients and their families and friends any support that is needed outside of treatment, all from under one roof.

(2) In a home-from-home environment they offer time, empathy, urgency and understanding and help you tackle all the practical, financial and emotional challenges you face.

(3) Their service is here for patients, carers, family, friends and work colleagues.  Cancer impacts everybody, so they are here for everyone.

(4) No one should feel isolated or face Cancer alone.  They offer accessible support in the heart of the community to adults and children affected by ANY type of Cancer.

All of the services they offer are free.

What Makes Them Unique

(1) No appointments are required.  Just drop in and be guaranteed support.

(2) No referrals are required.  You can reach out for immediate support yourself.

(3) A reactive service.  They understand you need help NOW.

(4) No Postcode lottery.  if your affected by cancer and can get to them, they can help with the rest.

(5) Time is the most precious gift of all.  Whether you are an adult or a child, Help Harry Help Others makes time to support you, whatever type of cancer you are affected by.

However you are affected they are there to support you.

How They Help

(1) Drop in Cancer Support. They offer grants through their HelpCOPE fund to those who are suffering financial hardship and also run a Drop in Cancer Support Centre via their HelpCARE fund.

(2) Finding a Cure.  Help Harry Help Others is unique in its efforts to not only help find a cure for brain cancer via their HelpCURE fund, but also in helping adults and children who are affected by ANY cancer.

(3) Free On Site Services.  The centre offers over 17 free services on site and supports adults and children with every inch of support they may need outside of treatment.

Help Harry Help Others support the mental well-being of cancer patients, family members, carers, work colleagues and friends.

Click here to meet their trustees, ambassadors, staff, service providers and volunteers.

Click here to see all the services they offer.



You can donate to Help Harry Help Others by clicking here


Registered Office:

8 Midland Croft

East Meadway


B33 0AW


Enquiries: 0121 783 5407


Opening Hours

Monday: 9am – 5pm

Tuesday: 9am – 5pm

Wednesday: 9am – 5pm

Thursday: 9am – 5pm

Friday: 9am – 5pm

The above article was sourced from the Help Harry Help Others website and is subject to change.

Blog Posts

Notes And Links


Charity Ribbons
Image © of Emergencey ID Australia

Certain charities have helped me in my life in one way or another or have meant something to me somehow and some mean something to me through family members and their involvement with them.

Although I do believe that charity begins at home and the need to take care of yourself and one’s family first is very important before caring for others, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help others if we can but we should NEVER be guilt-tripped into doing so.  Only donate an amount of money you feel comfortable with, even if it is just pennies and don’t be forced into donating on a monthly Direct Debit plan by anyone.  If you would rather just put money in a collection box, etc. then do so or just visit a charity shop instead and then you can choose what you want to spend and maybe get yourself a bargain in the process.

I have seen different sides to charities (not all good) and many make a lot of money for the fat cats in charge. I do not support that at all.  If you feel that way too then it shouldn’t stop you from helping them though as there are many ways to help without being concerned who your money is going to.  Volunteering your time to them is just as precious as is sharing their cause on social media, etc. (if you agree with the reason behind a certain charity) is helping too.  I have done volunteer work for some charities which have helped my confidence regarding my mental health and helped me learn new things. 

Different charities mean different things to different people.  Most of the ones mentioned on this page are the ones relevant to things in my life and are what I feel are worthy of my support albeit my money and/or my time. 

You can read more about these in my Decades section and in my blog posts below.

About Chariities

A charity or charitable organisation is an organisation whose primary objectives are philanthropy and social well-being (e.g. educational, religious or other activities serving the public interest or common good).

The legal definition of a charity (and of a charitable organisation) varies between countries and in some instances regions of the country.  The regulation, the tax treatment, and how charity law affects charitable organisations also vary.  Charitable organisations may not use any of their funds to profit individual persons or entities.  However, some charitable organisations have come under scrutiny for spending a disproportionate amount of their income to pay the salaries of their leadership.

Financial figures (e.g. tax refund, revenue from fundraising, revenue from the sale of goods and services or revenue from investment) are indicators to assess the financial sustainability of a charity, especially to charity evaluators.  This information can impact a charity’s reputation with donors and societies, and thus the charity’s financial gains.

Charities often depend partly on donations from businesses.  Such donations to the charities represent a major form of corporate philanthropy.

To meet the exempt organisational test requirements, a charity has to be exclusively organised and operated.  To receive and pass the exemption test, a charity must follow the public interest and all exempt income should be for the public interest.  For example, in many countries of the Commonwealth, charities must demonstrate that they provide a public benefit.

The History Of Charities

Early Systems

Until the mid-18th century, charity was mainly distributed through religious structures (such as the English Poor Laws of 1601), almshouses, and bequests from the rich.  Christianity, Judaism, and Islam incorporated significant charitable elements from their very beginnings and alms-giving has a long tradition in Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism.  Charities provided education, health, housing, and even prisons.  Almshouses were established throughout Europe in the Early Middle Ages to provide a place of residence for the poor, old, and distressed people.  King Athelstan of England (reigned 924 – 939) founded the first recorded almshouse in York in the 10th century.

Enlightenment Charity

During the Enlightenment era, charitable and philanthropic activity among voluntary associations and affluent benefactors became a widespread cultural practice. Societies, gentlemen’s clubs, and mutual associations began to flourish in England, with the upper classes increasingly adopting a philanthropic attitude toward the disadvantaged.  In England, this new social activism led to the establishment of charitable organisations, which proliferated from the middle of the 18th century.

This emerging upper-class trend for benevolence resulted in the incorporation of the first charitable organisations.  Appalled by the number of abandoned children living on the streets of London, Captain Thomas Coram set up the Foundling Hospital in 1741 to care for these unwanted orphans in Lamb’s Conduit Fields, Bloomsbury.  The idea of a hospital for less fortunate children has continued up to now but it is most commonly referred to as a care home.  This institution, the world’s first of its kind, served as the precedent for incorporated associational charities in general.

Another notable philanthropist of the Enlightenment era, Jonas Hanway, established The Marine Society in 1756 as the first seafarers’ charity, aiming to aid the recruitment of men into the navy.  By 1763, the Society had enlisted over 10,000 men, and an Act of Parliament incorporated it in 1772.  Hanway also played a key role in founding the Magdalen Hospital to rehabilitate prostitutes.  These organisations were funded by subscriptions and operated as voluntary associations.  They raised public awareness about their activities through the emerging popular press and generally enjoyed high social regard.  Some charities received state recognition in the form of a royal charter.

Charities also began to take on campaigning roles, championing causes and lobbying the government for legislative changes.  This included organised campaigns against the mistreatment of animals and children, as well as the successful campaign in the early 19th century to end the slave trade throughout the British Empire and its extensive sphere of influence. However, this process was quite lengthy, concluding when Saudi Arabia abolished slavery in 1962.

The Enlightenment era also witnessed a growing philosophical debate between those advocating for state intervention and those believing that private charities should provide welfare.  The political economist, Reverend Thomas Malthus (1766 – 1834), criticized poor relief for paupers on economic and moral grounds and proposed leaving charity entirely to the private sector.  His views became highly influential and informed the Victorian laissez-faire attitude toward state intervention for the poor.

The Foundling Hospital, Lamb's Conduit Fields, Bloomsbury, London
Image via Wikipedia and is in the public domain

The Foundling Hospital, Lamb’s Conduit Fields, Bloomsbury, London.

This is an early print of the Foundling Hospital, built in 1741.  The word foundling means a small child and children and babies in baskets were dropped off and left on the doorstep to be collected by nurses.

The building has since been demolished. 

Charity During The Enlightenment Era By Antoine-Alexandre Morel
Image via Wikipedia and is in the public domain

Charity during the Enlightenment era by Antoine-Alexandre Morel.

This painting was created on the 1st of January, 1800.  The artist was born in 1765 and died in 1829.

Growth During The 19th Century

During the 19th century, a profusion of charitable organisations emerged to alleviate the awful conditions of the working class in the slums.  The Labourer’s Friend Society, chaired by Lord Shaftesbury in the United Kingdom in 1830, aimed to improve working-class conditions.  It promoted, for example, the allotment of land to labourers for cottage husbandry, which later became the allotment movement. In 1844,  it became the first Model Dwellings Company – one of a group of organisations that sought to improve the housing conditions of the working classes by building new homes for them, all the while receiving a competitive rate of return on any investment.  This was one of the first housing associations, a philanthropic endeavour that flourished in the second half of the nineteenth century, brought about by the growth of the middle class.  Later associations included the Peabody Trust (originating in 1862) and the Guinness Trust (founded in 1890).  The principle of philanthropic intention with capitalist return was given the label five per cent philanthropy.

There was strong growth in municipal charities.  The Brougham Commission led to the Municipal Corporations Act 1835, which reorganised multiple local charities by incorporating them into single entities under supervision from the local government.

Charities at the time, including the Charity Organisation Society (established in 1869), tended to discriminate between the deserving poor, who would be provided with suitable relief, and the underserving or improvident poor, who were regarded as the cause of their woes due to their idleness. Charities tended to oppose the provision of welfare by the state, due to the perceived demoralising effect.  Although minimal state involvement was the dominant philosophy of the period, there was still significant government involvement in the form of statutory regulation and even limited funding.

Philanthropy became a very fashionable activity among the expanding middle classes in Britain and America. Octavia Hill (1838 – 1912) and John Ruskin (1819 – 1900) were important forces behind the development of social housing, and Andrew Carnegie (1835 – 1919) exemplified the large-scale philanthropy of the newly rich in industrialised America.  In Gospel of Wealth (1889), Carnegie wrote about the responsibilities of great wealth and the importance of social justice.  He established public libraries throughout English-speaking countries and contributed large sums to schools and universities.  A little over ten years after his retirement, Carnegie had given away over 90% of his fortune.

Towards the end of the 19th century, with the advent of New Liberalism and the innovative work of Charles Booth in documenting working-class life in London, attitudes towards poverty began to change.  This led to the first social-liberal welfare reforms, including the provision of old-age pensions and free school meals.

A Puck Magazine Cartoon By Louis Dalrymple Of Andrew Carnegie's Philanthropy
Image via Wikipedia and is in the public domain

A Puck magazine cartoon by Louis Dalrymple of Andrew Carnegie’s philanthropy.

This cartoon was published in New York City. U.S.A.  in 1903.

Growth Since 1901

During the 20th century, charities such as Oxfam (established in 1947), Care International, and Amnesty International expanded greatly, becoming large, multinational non-governmental organisations with very large budgets.

Growth Since The 21st Century

With the advent of the Internet, charities established a presence on online social media platforms and began initiatives such as cyber-based humanitarian crowdfunding, exemplified by platforms like GoFundMe.  Another notable charity is Beyond the Crisis.  This organisation distributes food and resources to housing communities and homeless shelters in the United States.  It was founded by young philanthropists Camden and Colton Francis.

By Jurisdiction


The definition of charity in Australia is derived from English common law, originally from the Charitable Uses Act 1601, and then through several centuries of case law based upon it.  In 2002, the federal government initiated an inquiry into the definition of a charity.  The inquiry proposed a statutory definition of a charity, based on the principles developed through case law.  This led to the Charities Bill 2003, which included limitations on the involvement of charities in political campaigning, an unwelcome departure from the case law as perceived by many charities.  The government appointed a Board of Taxation inquiry to consult with charities on the bill.  However, due to widespread criticism from charities, the government abandoned the bill.

Subsequently, the government introduced the Extension of Charitable Purpose Act 2004.  This act did not attempt to codify the definition of a charitable purpose but rather aimed to clarify that certain purposes were charitable, resolving legal doubts surrounding their charitable status.  Among these purposes were childcare, self-help groups, and closed/contemplative religious orders.

To publicly raise funds, a charity in Australia must register in each Australian jurisdiction in which it intends to raise funds.  For example, in Queensland, charities must register with the Queensland Office of Fair Trading.  Additionally, any charity fundraising online must obtain approval from every Australian jurisdiction that mandates such approval.  Currently, these jurisdictions include New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory.  Numerous Australian charities have appealed to federal, state, and territory governments to establish uniform legislation enabling charities registered in one state or territory to raise funds in all other Australian jurisdictions.

The Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission (A.C.N.C.) commenced operations in December 2012.  It regulates approximately 56,000 non-profit organisations with tax-exempt status, along with around 600,000 other N.P.O.’s in total, seeking to standardise state-based fund-raising laws.

A Public Benevolent Institution (P.B.I.) is a specific type of charity with its primary purpose being to alleviate suffering in the community, whether due to poverty, sickness, or disability.  Examples of institutions that might qualify include hospices, providers of subsidised housing, and certain not-for-profit aged care services.


Read more here.

Charities in Canada need to be registered with the Charities Directorate of the Canada Revenue Agency.  According to the Canada Revenue Agency, a registered charity is an organisation established and operated for charitable purposes.  It must devote its resources to charitable activities.  The charity must be a resident of Canada and cannot use its income to benefit its members.  A charity also has to meet a public benefit test.  To qualify under this test, an organisation must show that its activities and purposes provide a tangible benefit to the public and those eligible for benefits are either the public as a whole or a significant section of it.  They should not be a restricted group or one where members share a private connection, such as social clubs or professional associations with specific memberships.  The charity’s activities must be legal and must not be contrary to public policy.

To register as a charity, the organisation has to be either incorporated or governed by a legal document called a trust or a constitution.  This document has to explain the organisation’s purposes and structure.


Most French charities are registered under a type of legal entity for non-profit N.G.O’s.  This statute is extremely common in France for any type of group that wants to be institutionalised such as sports clubs, book clubs, support groups etc.  It is very easy to set up and requires very little documentation.  However, for an organisation under the statute to be considered a charity, it has to file with the authorities to come under the label of N.G.O. acting for the public interest.  This label gives the N.G.O. some tax exemptions.


In Hungary, charities are referred to as Public benefit organisations.  The term was introduced on the 1st of January, 1997 through the Act on Public Benefit Organisations.


Under Indian law, legal entities such as charitable organisations, corporations, and managing bodies have been given the status of legal persons with legal rights, such as the right to sue and be sued, and the right to own and transfer property.  Indian charities with this status include Terna Public Charitable Trust and Sir Ratan Tata Trust.


In Ireland, the Charities Act (2009) legislated the establishment of a Charities Regulatory Authority, and the Charities Regulator was subsequently created via a ministerial order in 2014.  This was the first legal framework for charity registration in Ireland.  The Charities Regulator maintains a database of organisations that have been granted charitable tax exemption (a list previously maintained by the Revenue Commissioners).  Such organisations would have a C.H.Y. number from the Revenue Commissioners, a C.R.O. number from the Companies Registration Office, and a charity number from the Charities Regulator.

The Irish Nonprofits Database was created by the Irish Nonprofits Knowledge Exchange (I.N.K.Ex.) to serve as a repository for regulatory and voluntarily disclosed information about Irish public-benefit nonprofits.


Charitable organisations in Nigeria are registerable under Part C of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020.  Under the law, the Corporate Affairs Commission, Nigeria, being the official Nigerian Corporate Registry, is empowered to maintain and regulate the formation, operation, and dissolution of charitable organisations in Nigeria.  Charities in Nigeria are exempted under §25(c) of the Companies Income Tax Act (CITA) Cap. C21 LFN 2004 (as amended), which exempts from income tax corporate organisations engaged wholly in ecclesiastical, charitable, or educational activities.  Similarly, §3 of the Value Added Tax Act (V.A.T.A.) Cap. V1 LFN 2004 (as amended), and the 1st Schedule to the V.A.T.A. on exempted Goods and Services goods zero-rates goods and services purchased by any ecclesiastical, charitable, or educational institutions in furtherance of their charitable mandates.


A public benefit organisation is a term used in Polish law.  It was introduced on the 1st of January, 2004 by the statute on public good activity and volunteering.  Charitable organisations of public good are allowed to receive 1% of income tax from individuals, making them tax-deductible organisations.  To receive such status, an organisation has to be a non-governmental organisation, with political parties and trade unions not qualifying.  The organisation must also be involved in specific activities related to the public good as described by the law, and it should demonstrate sufficient transparency in its activities, governance, and finances.  Moreover, data has shown that this evidence is pertinent and sensible.

Polish charities with this status include Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, K.A.R.T.A. Center, the Institute of Public Affairs, the Silesian Fantasy Club, the Polish Historical Society, and the Polish chapter of the Wikimedia Foundation.


The legal framework in Singapore is regulated by the Singapore Charities Act (Chapter 37).  Charities in Singapore must be registered with the Charities Directorate of the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports.  One can also find specific organisations that are members of the National Council of Social Service (N.C.S.S.), which is operated by the Ministry of Social and Family Development.


The legislation governing charitable activities and the process of obtaining charitable organisation status is regulated by Ukraine’s Civil Code and the Law of Ukraine on Charitable Activities and Charitable Organisations.

According to Ukrainian law, there are three forms of charitable organisations:

(1) A charitable society is a charitable organisation created by at least two founders and operates based on the charter or statute.

(2) A charitable institution is a type of charitable trust that acts based on the constituent or founding act.  This charitable organisation’s founding act defines the assets that one or several founders transfer to achieve the goals of charitable activity, along with any income from such assets.  A constituent act of a charitable institution may be contained in a will or testament. The founder or founders of the charitable institution do not participate in the management of such a charitable organisation.

(3) A charitable fund or charitable foundation is a charitable organisation that operates based on the charter, has participants or members, and is managed by them.  Participants or members are not obliged to transfer any assets to such an organisation to achieve the goals of charitable activity.  A charitable foundation can be created by one or several founders. The assets of a charitable fund can be formed by participants and/or other benefactors.

The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine is the main registration authority for a charity’s registration and constitution.  Individuals and legal entities, except for public authorities and local governments, can be the founders of charitable organisations.  Charitable societies and charitable foundations may have, in addition to founders, other participants who have joined them as prescribed by the charters of such charitable associations or charitable foundations.  Aliens (non-Ukrainian citizens and legal entities, corporations, or non-governmental organisations) can be the founders and members of philanthropic organisations in Ukraine.

All funds received by a charitable organisation and used for charitable purposes are exempt from taxation, but obtaining non-profit status from the tax authority is necessary.

Legalization is required for international charitable funds to operate in Ukraine.

United Kingdom

Charity law in the UK varies among England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, but the fundamental principles are the same.  Most organisations that are charities are required to be registered with the appropriate regulator for their jurisdiction, but significant exceptions apply so that many organizations are bona fide charities but do not appear on a public register.  The registers are maintained by the Charity Commission for England and Wales and by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator for Scotland.  The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland maintains a register of charities that have completed formal registration.  Organisations applying must meet the specific legal requirements, have filing requirements with their regulator, and are subject to inspection or other forms of review.  The oldest charity in the United Kingdom (U.K.) is The King’s School, Canterbury, established in 597 AD.

Charitable organisations, including charitable trusts, are eligible for a complex set of reliefs and exemptions from taxation in the U.K.  These include reliefs and exemptions concerning income tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax, stamp duty land tax, and value-added tax (V.A.T.).  These tax exemptions have led to criticisms that private schools can use charitable status as a tax avoidance technique rather than offering a genuine charitable good.

The Transparency of Lobbying, Non-party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 subjects charities to regulation by the Electoral Commission in the run-up to a general election.

England And Wales


Section 1 of the Charities Act 2011 defines England and Wales for the law of England and Wales  A charity means an institution which is established for charitable purposes only and falls to be subject to the control of the High Court in the exercise of its jurisdiction concerning charities.

The Charities Act 2011 provides the following list of charitable purposes:

(1) The prevention or relief of poverty:

(2) The advancement of education.

(3) The advancement of religion.

(4) The advancement of health or the saving of lives.

(5) The advancement of citizenship or community development.

(6) The advancement of the arts, culture, heritage or science.

(7) The advancement of amateur sport.

(8) The advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation or the promotion of religious or racial harmony or equality and diversity.

(9) The advancement of environmental protection or improvement.

(10) The relief of those in need, because of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.

(11) The advancement of animal welfare.

(12) The promotion of the efficiency of the armed forces of the Crown or of the police, fire and rescue services or ambulance services.

(13) Other purposes currently recognised as charitable and any new charitable purposes which are similar to another charitable purpose.

A charity must also provide a public benefit.

Before the Charities Act 2006, which introduced the definition now contained in the 2011 Act, the definition of charity arose from a list of charitable purposes in the Charitable Uses Act 1601 (also known as the Statute of Elizabeth), which had been interpreted and expanded into a considerable body of case law.  In Commissioners for Special Purposes of Income Tax v. Pemsel (1891), Lord McNaughten identified four categories of charity which could be extracted from the Charitable Uses Act and which were the accepted definition of charity before the Charities Act 2006:

(1) The relief of poverty,

(2) The advancement of education,

(3) The advancement of religion.

(4) Other purposes considered beneficial to the community.

Charities in England and Wales, such as Age UK, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (R.S.P.B.) and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (R.S.P.C.A.) must comply with the 2011 Act regulating matters such as charity reports and accounts and fundraising.


As of 2011, there are several types of legal structures for a charity in England and Wales:

(1) Unincorporated association.

(2) Trust.

(3) Company limited by guarantee.

(4) Another incorporation, such as by royal charter.

(5) Charitable incorporated organisation.

The unincorporated association is the most common form of organisation within the voluntary sector in England and Wales.  This is essentially a contractual arrangement between individuals who have agreed to come together to form an organization for a particular purpose.  An unincorporated association will normally have a constitution or set of rules as its governing document, which will deal with matters such as the appointment of office bearers and the rules governing membership.  The organisation is not, however, a separate legal entity, so it cannot initiate legal action, borrow money, or enter into contracts in its name.  Its officers can be personally liable if the charity is sued or has debts.

A trust is essentially a relationship among three parties which are the donor of some assets, the trustees who hold the assets, and the beneficiaries (those eligible to benefit from the charity).  When the trust has charitable purposes and is a charity, the trust is known as a charitable trust.  The governing document is the trust deed or declaration of trust, which comes into operation once signed by all the trustees.  The main disadvantage of a trust is that, like an unincorporated association, it lacks a separate legal entity, and the trustees must themselves own property and enter into contracts. The trustees are also liable if the charity is sued or incurs liability.

A company limited by guarantee is a private limited company where members’ liability is limited.  A guarantee company does not have a share capital, but instead has members who are guarantors rather than shareholders.  If the company is wound up, the members agree to pay a nominal sum, which can be as little as £1.  A company limited by guarantee is a useful structure for a charity where trustees need limited liability protection.  Moreover, the charity has a legal personality and can enter into contracts, such as employment contracts, in its name.

A small number of charities are incorporated by royal charter, which is a document that creates a corporation with legal personality (or, in some cases, transforms a charity incorporated as a company into a charity incorporated by royal charter).  The charter must be approved by the Privy Council before receiving royal assent.  While the nature of the charity will vary depending on the clauses enacted, a royal charter generally offers a charity the same limited liability as a company and the ability to enter into contracts.

The Charities Act 2006 introduced a new legal form of incorporation designed specifically for charities.  The charitable incorporated organisation (C.I.O.) as powers similar to a company but without the need to register as a company.  Becoming a C.I.O. was only made possible in 2013, with staggered introduction dates, with the charities with the highest turnover eligible first.

The term foundation is not commonly used in England and Wales.  Occasionally, a charity will use the word as part of its name (e.g., British Heart Foundation), but this has no legal significance and provides no information about the charity’s work or legal structure.  The organisation’s structure will fall into one of the types described above.


Charitable organisations with an income of over £5,000 and subject to the law of England and Wales must register with the Charity Commission for England and Wales unless they are an exempt or excepted charity.  For companies, the law of England and Wales will usually apply if the company itself is registered in England and Wales.  In other cases, if the governing document doesn’t specify, the law that applies will be the one most connected with the organisation.

When an organisation’s income doesn’t exceed £5,000, it can’t register as a charity with the Charity Commission for England and Wales.  However, it can register as a charity with HM Revenue and Customs (H.M.R.C.)  for tax purposes only.  With the increase in the mandatory registration level to £5,000 by The Charities Act 2006, smaller charities can rely on H.M.R.C. recognition to demonstrate their charitable purpose and confirm their not-for-profit principles.

Churches with an annual income of less than £100,000 need not register.

Some charities, referred to as exempt charities, aren’t required to register with the Charity Commission and aren’t subject to its supervisory powers.  These charities include most universities and national museums, as well as some other educational institutions.  Other charities are exempted from the need to register but are still subject to the supervision of the Charity Commission.  The regulations on excepted charities were changed by the Charities Act 2006. Many excepted charities are religious charities.

Northern Ireland

The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland was established in 2009 and has received the names and details of over 7,000 organisations in Northern Ireland that have previously been granted charitable status for tax purposes (the deemed list).  Compulsory registration of organisations from the deemed list began in December 2013, and it is expected to take three to four years to complete.  The new Register of Charities is publicly available on the C.C.N.I. website and contains the details of those organisations that have so far been confirmed by the commission to exist for charitable purposes and the public benefit.  The Commission estimates that between 5,000 and 11,500 charitable organisations need to be formally registered in total.


The approximately 24,000 charities in Scotland are registered with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (O.S.C.R.), which also maintains a register of charities online.

United States

In the United States (U.S.), a charitable organisation is an organisation operated for purposes that are beneficial to the public interest.  There are different types of charitable organisations.  Every U.S. and foreign charity that qualifies as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (I.R.C.) is considered a private foundation unless it demonstrates to the Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) that it falls into another category.  Generally, any organisation that is not a private foundation (i.e., it qualifies as something else) is usually a public charity as described in Section 509(a) of the I.R.C.

In addition, a private foundation usually derives its principal funding from an individual, family, corporation, or some other single source, and it is more often than not a grantmaker that does not solicit funds from the public.  In contrast, a foundation or public charity generally receives grants from individuals, government, and private foundations.  While some public charities engage in grantmaking activities, most conduct direct service or other tax-exempt activities.  Foundations that are generally grantmakers (i.e., they use their endowment to make grants to other organisations, which in turn carry out the goals of the foundation indirectly) are usually called grantmaker or non-operating foundations.

The requirements and procedures for forming charitable organisations vary from state to state, as do the registration and filing requirements for charitable organisations that conduct charitable activities, solicit charitable contributions, or hire professional fundraisers.  In practice, the detailed definition of a charitable organisation is determined by the requirements of state law where the charitable organisation operates and the requirements for federal tax relief by the I.R.S.

Resources exist to provide information, including rankings, of U.S. charities.

Federal Tax Relief

Federal tax law provides tax benefits to nonprofit organisations recognized as exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (I.R.C.).  The benefits of 501(c)(3) status include exemption from federal income tax as well as eligibility to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions. In 2017, there were a total of $281.86 billion in tax-deductible donations by individuals.

To qualify for 501(c)(3) status, most organisations must apply to the I.R.S. for such status.

Several requirements must be met for a charitable organisation to obtain 501(c)(3) status.  These include the organisation being organised as a corporation, trust, or unincorporated association.  The organisation’s organising document (such as the articles of incorporation, trust documents, or articles of association) must limit its purposes to being charitable and permanently dedicate its assets to charitable purposes.  The organisation must refrain from undertaking several other activities, such as participating in the political campaigns of candidates for local, state, or federal office.  Additionally, the organisation must ensure that its earnings do not benefit any individual.  Most tax-exempt organisations are required to file annual financial reports (I.R.S. Form 990) at the state and federal levels.  A tax-exempt organisation’s Form 990 and some other forms are required to be made available for public scrutiny.

The types of charitable organisations that the I.R.S. considers to be organised for the public benefit include those organized for:

(1) Relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged.

(2) Advancement of religion.

(3) Advancement of education or science.

(4) Construction or maintenance of public buildings, monuments, or works.

(5) Lessening the burdens of government.

(6) Lessening neighborhood tensions.

(7) Elimination of prejudice and discrimination.

(8) Defense of human and civil rights secured by law.

(9) Combating community deterioration and juvenile delinquency.

Several other organisations may also qualify for exempt status, including those organised for religious, scientific, literary, and educational purposes, as well as those for testing for public safety fostering national or international amateur sports competition, and for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals.


The charity has received criticism. These criticisms include:

(1) Charity only addresses the symptoms of a problem instead of the causes.

(2) Charity is a worse substitute for change that does not fix the fundamental injustices in societal structures and values.

(3) Charity does not provide the best solutions to societal problems.

(4) Charity results in less state funding for essential services because it replaces state services with external institutions at a lower cost.

(5) Charity leads to favouritism instead of fairness.

(6) Tax incentives for donating to charity result in the worsening of social inequalities by reducing state revenue available for social projects and retaining class systems within society.

(7) Inefficient charitable giving, largely due to the splintering of funds that could be better used if pooled together.

(8) Charities misusing their funds.

(9) Charities are more accountable to donors and funders than to the recipients of the charity.

(10) Charities give aid conditionally.

(11) Through eligibility requirements such as sobriety, piety, curfews, participation in job training or parenting courses, cooperation with the police, or identifying the paternity of children, charity models enforce the concept that only those who can prove their moral worth deserve help, motivating citizens to accept exploitative wages or conditions to avoid being subject to the charitable system.

(12) Charity makes rich people and corporations look generous and upholds and legitimises systems that concentrate wealth.

(13) Charity is increasingly privatised and contracted out to the massive nonprofit sector, where organisations compete for grants to address social problems.  Donors can protect their money from taxation by storing it in foundations that fund their pet projects, most of which have nothing to do with poor people.

Economist Robert Reich criticised the practice of billionaires giving some of their money to charity, calling it mostly self-serving rubbish.  Mathew Snow of the American socialist magazine Jacobin criticised charities for creating an individualised ‘culture of giving’ instead of challenging capitalism’s institutionalised taking.

Charity Fraud

Read more here.

Charity fraud is the act of using deception to obtain money from people who believe they are donating to a charity.  Often, individuals or groups will present false information claiming to be a charity or associated with one, and then ask potential donors for contributions to this non-existent charity.  Charity fraud encompasses not only fictitious charities but also deceptive business practices.  These deceitful acts by businesses may involve accepting donations without using the funds for their intended purposes or soliciting funds under false pretences of need.

Charity Regulators

Charity Ribbons

Charity Ribbons
Image © of Emergencey I.D. Australia

Charity ribbons.

Medical awareness ribbons are used by charities to highlight their cause.  The ones above, and more, are mentioned on the Emergency I.D. Australia website.

Click here to see a list of charity ribbons.  Be aware that the meanings of colours vary in different countries.

Baby Loss Charities

Sands – Official website.  This stillbirth and neonatal death charity operates across the U.K.  They support anyone affected by the death of a baby.  Working in partnership with health professionals they ensure that bereaved parents and families receive the best possible care.  They promote improvements in practice and funding research that could help to reduce the loss of babies’ lives. They depend on the amazing energies of their supporters to raise the vital funds that they need to deliver the wide range of services that they offer. 

Blind Charities

Focus Birmingham – Official website.  Focus Birmingham is an independent local charity that provides information, advice, support and care for people with visual impairment and complex needs.

Guide Dogs – Official website.  They are here to help people with sight loss live the life they choose.  Over the years they have developed a wide range of services with and without dogs to support children and adults living with a vision impairment including helping their friends and family.  Whoever you are, their expert staff, dedicated volunteers and life-changing dogs are here to help you live actively, independently, and well.  They are a charity, almost entirely funded by donations, and they are the world’s largest assistance dog organisation.  As world leaders in puppy socialisation and dog training, they are the only organisation to breed and train guide dogs in the U.K.  They are also the largest employer of specialists dedicated to helping children and young people overcome the challenges of sight loss.

Royal National Institute Of Blind People – Official website.  The R.N.I.B. is the U.K.’s leading sight loss charity.  They offer practical and emotional support to blind and partially sighted people, their families and carers.  They raise awareness of the experiences of blind and partially sighted people and campaign for change to make our society more accessible for all.  They want to change our world so there are no barriers to people with sight loss.

Cancer Charities

Breast Cancer Now – Official website.  However you’re experiencing breast cancer, they have been there for you for over 50 years and are a leading breast cancer charity in the U.K.  They work across three main focus areas.  These include campaigning for better breast cancer care, raising awareness and educating people through their website and other publications, and supporting the victims of cancer through face-to-face and group meetings, better access to nurses, and a smartphone application.  

Breast Cancer U.K. – Official website.  They believe there are opportunities to reduce breast cancer rates in the U.K. by at least 30%, saving lives as a result.  They give practical advice on how you can reduce your risk of getting breast cancer by making simple changes in your life.  A unique aspect of their work focuses on the role played by endocrine-disrupting chemicals in increasing your risk of breast cancer.  They work with other organisations to make your voices heard on this issue.  They also fund research that they believe could be a game-changer in the field of breast cancer prevention.

Children With Cancer U.K. – Official website.  Around 4,200 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer every year in the U.K.  That’s around 10 children and young people diagnosed with cancer every day in the U.K.  They have been working tirelessly since 1988, to fund research and initiatives that support children and their families through their cancer journey.

Help Harry Help Others – Official website.  H.H.H.O.  is structured so that they can offer every inch of practical Cancer support right in the heart of the community.  They ensure their services are accessible, that there is somewhere to go when people affected by Cancer are having a bad day, and that they have advisors at their centres that offer support in all areas that people may need because of the life-changing circumstances that Cancer inflicts.

Macmillan Cancer Support – Official website.  Their purpose is to do whatever it takes to support people living with cancer, to help them cope and improve their lives better. They provide support in terms of practical help, medical support and nurses, as well as financial assistance and help to victims of cancer and their families. They also work to increase awareness of cancers through information services.

Marie Curie – Official website.  They provide expert hospice care and support over the phone, and they push for a better end of life for all by campaigning and sharing research to change the system.  They provide care and support to victims of cancer through a U.K.-wide network of hospices.  The organisation helps as many as 40,000 people a year throughout the country, by providing care for people, either in a hospice or in the person’s own home.  Care can be provided in the day or night, and is provided for free.

Prostate Cancer U.K. – Official website.  They aim to prevent men from being killed by prostate cancer by pushing science to focus on improvements in the treatment and diagnosis, as well as the prevention of prostate cancer.

Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation – Official website.  They are the leading U.K. lung cancer charity dedicated to helping everyone affected by the disease.  Since 1990 they have funded millions of pounds of essential lung cancer research, looking for ways to detect the disease as early as possible and save lives.  From diagnosis, through treatment, living with the disease and end-of-life care, they support everyone affected by lung cancer.  They raise awareness, prevent future generations from getting it and challenge the misconceptions of lung cancer.  They do all this so those diagnosed can live well with lung cancer for as long as possible.

Children’s Charities

Barnado’s – Official website.  They have been helping hundreds of thousands of children, young people, parents and carers across the U.K. since 1867.  At a time when more young people need specialist help with complex issues like sexual abuse, mental health problems and serious violence, their work is more vital than ever.  

Children With Cancer U.K. – Official website.  Around 4,200 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer every year in the U.K.  That’s around 10 children and young people diagnosed with cancer every day in the U.K.  They have been working tirelessly since 1988, to fund research and initiatives that support children and their families through their cancer journey.

Help Harry Help Others – Official website.  H.H.H.O.  is structured so that they can offer every inch of practical Cancer support right in the heart of the community.  They ensure their services are accessible, that there is somewhere to go when people affected by Cancer are having a bad day, and that they have advisors at their centres that offer support in all areas that people may need because of the life-changing circumstances that Cancer inflicts.

Sands – Official website.  This stillbirth and neonatal death charity operates across the U.K.  They support anyone affected by the death of a baby.  Working in partnership with health professionals they ensure that bereaved parents and families receive the best possible care.  They promote improvements in practice and funding research that could help to reduce the loss of babies’ lives. They depend on the amazing energies of their supporters to raise the vital funds that they need to deliver the wide range of services that they offer. 

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. – Official website.  The N.S.P.C.C. are the U.K.’s leading children’s charity.  They have been looking out for children for over 130 years and they couldn’t do it without you.  They help prevent child abuse, help rebuild children’s lives and support families.

YoungMinds – Official website.  The sheer scale of the problem we’re faced with can feel overwhelming.  More young people than ever before need support for their mental health and accessing that support quickly can make a critical difference to those young people.  Yet, most of the time those young people need to wait. And wait. And wait.  When it feels like nothing is there for you when you need it most, you feel alone.  For far too many young people, this is their reality.  When they need help and can’t get it, it feels like they’re being told they don’t matter.  YoungMinds have called their strategy ‘You Matter’ because, ultimately, that is what this is all about.

Mental Health Charities

To read more about Mental Health click here.

Anxiety UKOfficial website.  They were formed in 1970, by Katharine and Harold Fisher as a result of Katharine’s experience of agoraphobia and her desire to develop support for others similarly affected.  Since those early beginnings, they have grown to become a national organisation with an international reach, whilst retaining a user-led ethos – being run by and for those with anxiety.  Many of their small seven-strong staff team have their own lived experience and understand the distress, isolation and misery that anxiety can cause.  We’re here to help and can support you to find ways to control anxiety instead of it controlling you.

Bipolar UK – Official website.  Their mission is to empower everyone affected by bipolar to live well and fulfil their potential.

Birmingham MindOfficial website.  Birmingham Mind is the largest independent mental health charity providing services in and beyond the City of Birmingham’s boundaries.  Their website shows how they are promoting wellbeing and recovery, providing high-quality support and challenging the stigma of mental distress.

Campain Against Living MiserablyOfficial website.  C.A.L.M. are taking a stand against suicide.  That means standing against feeling shit, standing up to stereotypes, and standing together to show life is always worth living.  125 lives are lost every week to suicide.  And 75% of all U.K. suicides are male.  They exist to change this.  They do it by provoking conversation, running life-saving services, and bringing people together so they reject living miserably, get help when they need it and don’t die by suicide.  But they can’t do it alone. Stand with them.

Mental Health Foundation – Official website.  Their vision is for a world with good mental health for all.   They work to prevent mental health problems.  Helping people understand, protect and sustain their mental health.  They will drive change towards a mentally healthy society for all, and support communities, families and individuals to live mentally healthier lives, with a particular focus on those at greatest risk.

Mind Official website.  Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.  They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.  They won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect.

Rethink Mental IllnessOfficial website.  Their vision is for equality, rights, fair treatment and maximum quality of life for all those affected by mental illness, their carers, family and friends.  As one of the largest charitable providers of services for people living with mental illness, they are well placed to make a direct impact on the care people receive.  But they have a much larger vision too – to transform at every level the way our nation approaches mental illness.  Every year, our diverse range of information and support helps tens of thousands of people get through crises, live independently and feel that they do not have to face mental illness alone.

Samaritans – Official website.  Whatever you’re facing, a Samaritan will face it with you.  Every day, Samaritans volunteers respond to around 10,000 calls for help.  They are here, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure.  Samaritans are not only for the moment of crisis, they are taking action to prevent the crisis.  They give people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others.  And they encourage, promote and celebrate those moments of connection between people that can save lives.  They offer to listen and support people and communities in times of need.  In prisons, schools, hospitals and on the rail network, Samaritans are working with people who are going through a difficult time and training others to do the same.  Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, and Samaritans’ vision is that fewer people die by suicide.  That’s why they work tirelessly to reach more people and make suicide prevention a priority.

The Blurt Foundation – Official website.  Think of them as the knowing nod.  You’ve seen it – a slight bob of the head, often accompanied by a smile.  A little movement that says, “I understand”, “I’m listening” and “I’m here for you”. That’s Blurt.  They really understand how devastating depression can be.  Jobs come to an end, relationships break down and lives can be lost, all through the effect of depression.  That’s why the work they do is so important – it not only changes lives but saves them.

YoungMinds – Official website.  The sheer scale of the problem we’re faced with can feel overwhelming.  More young people than ever before need support for their mental health and accessing that support quickly can make a critical difference to those young people.  Yet, most of the time those young people need to wait. And wait. And wait.  When it feels like nothing is there for you when you need it most, you feel alone.  For far too many young people, this is their reality.  When they need help and can’t get it, it feels like they’re being told they don’t matter.  YoungMinds have called their strategy ‘You Matter’ because, ultimately, that is what this is all about.

See Also

You can see references and external links to the above articles here.  The above was sourced from a page on Wikipedia and is subject to change. 

Blog Posts

Notes And Links

Emergency I.D. Australia – The image shown at the top of this page and elsewhere is the copyright of Emergency I.D. Australia.  They commenced business in the 2000’s after seeing first-hand a real need for vital information to be immediately accessible to everyone.  Emergency ID is always creating new products to cater to a huge variety of needs and to drive the importance of wearing or carrying Emergency I.D. well into the future.

Emergency I.D. Australia on Facebook.

Emergency I.D. Australia on Instagram.

The photo above of the Foundling Hospital, Lamb’s Conduit Fields, Bloomsbury, London is in the public domain and came from Wikipedia.

The photo above of charity during the Enlightenment era by Antoine-Alexandre Morel is in the public domain and came from Wikipedia.

The photo above of a Puck magazine cartoon by Louis Dalrymple of Andrew Carnegie’s philanthropy is in the public domain and came from Wikipedia.

Charities: Frankie And Zoe Do Sober For October For Sands

Image © Frank Parker Jnr.

The death of a child, as is the death of anyone close to you, is devastating news for anyone, especially when that devastation happens during pregnancy.

This is something that both my Son Frank Jnr. and Daughter-In-Law Zoe and Daughter Debbie have sadly had to experience.  

Frank and Zoe both had tremendous help and support from Sands.  In October 2023 they went Sober For October in aid of Sands.  They hoped to raise £200 for the Charity Sands and to date have raised £220.  WELL DONE to both of them.  You can still donate to this here.

In memory of Georgie Parker, 2019.  R.I.P. 

Sands Logo
Image © Sands

Frankie And Zoe’s Story

On the 11th of November, 2019 Frankie and Zoe unfortunately lost their baby at 13 weeks old.  It was a very traumatizing experience for them.  They had to hold their tiny baby in their hands and say goodbye and they will never forget that moment. 

They hoped to raise £200 for the Charity Sands and to date have raised £220.  WELL DONE to both of them.

You can still donate if you want to and they are appreciative of any amount (via JustGiving) towards this charity that has helped them so much or any help you can give e.g. by simply sharing this post.   

About Sands

Sands, the stillbirth and neonatal death charity, operates across the U.K.

They support anyone affected by the death of a baby.  Working in partnership with health professionals they ensure that bereaved parents and families receive the best possible care.  They promote improvements in practice and funding research that could help to reduce the loss of babies’ lives.

They depend on the amazing energies of their supporters to raise the vital funds that they need to deliver the wide range of services that they offer. 


You can donate to Frankie and Zoe’s Sober For October appeal on their JustGiving page by clicking here

Blog Posts

Notes And Links

The image at the top of this page is copyright of Frank Parker Jnr.

Sands – The image shown at the top of this page is the copyright of Sands and comes from their official website.

Sands on Facebook. 

Sands on Twitter

Sands on Instagram.

Sands on Linkedin.

Sands on YouTube.

Charities: Sands

Sands Logo
Image © Sands

The death of a child, as is the death of anyone close to you, is devastating news for anyone, especially when that devastation happens during pregnancy.

This is something that both my Son Frank Jnr. and Daughter-In-Law Zoe and Daughter Debbie have sadly had to experience.  

Frank and Zoe both had tremendous help and support from Sands.  In October 2023 they went Sober For October in aid of Sands.  They hoped to raise £200 for the Charity Sands and to date have raised £220.  WELL DONE to both of them.  You can still donate to this here.

Please help this charity in any way you can.  You can donate to Sands below. 

Sands Logo
Image © Sands

Sands logo.

About Sands

Sands works to support anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby.

They also carry out vital work to improve maternity safety through targeted research, campaigning for change, working with the government and reducing inequalities in healthcare to save babies’ lives.

Every day 13 babies die before, during or shortly after birth.  Sands works to understand where and why babies die and why some women and babies are more at risk than others.  This must change. 

Their vision is for a world where fewer babies die and when a baby does die anyone affected receives the best possible care and support for as long as they need.

The charity was founded by bereaved parents in 1978 who found that there was no access to support following the deaths of their babies.  Since then Sands has grown, but parents who have experienced baby loss are still at the heart of everything they do.

They are made up of staff and volunteers who work together to ensure that anyone affected by the death of a baby has access to compassionate, experienced support.  They offer one-to-one and group support through their various bereavement support channels, local groups and Sands United football teams, their  family and remembrance events and they provide virtual and physical bereavement resources such as memory boxes.

They save babies’ lives by amplifying the voices of bereaved families and healthcare professionals, campaigning for change in policy and practice, and funding research to understand why babies die.

Sands exist to reduce the number of babies dying and to support anyone affected by the death of a baby, before, during or shortly after birth, whenever this happens and for as long as they need support.

Babies are dying every day.  Currently, in the U.K., 13 families a day suffer the heartbreak of losing their baby before, during or shortly after birth.  That’s around 4,500 babies a year, and at least 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.  These numbers are shocking and show the scale of the problem.

Currently, far too many babies die without scientists, doctors, midwives, or their own parents understanding why.  That’s why they believe research is vital in improving their understanding of how to save babies’ lives and using that evidence to drive changes in maternity policy and practice.

For more than 40 years, Sands has been there for anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss to offer understanding and comfort through its Freephone helpline, mobile app, online community and resources, and locally through a UK-wide network of around 100 regional support groups.

Sands works in partnership with health care professionals, trusts and health boards and offers a range of training programmes and bereavement care resources to ensure that every bereaved parent and family receives the best possible care wherever they are in the U.K.

Sands supports and promotes research to better understand the causes of baby deaths, improve maternity safety and save babies’ lives.  The charity also raises awareness of baby loss and works with governments, key influencers and other stakeholders to make reducing the number of babies dying a priority nationally and locally.

Click here to meet their staff.

Click here to meet their trustees.

Click here to meet their ambassadors.

You can read more about what great work they do with lots more information and links to click by going to their website here.

This section contains information about the statistics around baby deaths in the UK, the national maternity reports that have highlighted the change that needs to happen and links to our policy and campaigns work to reduce the number of baby deaths in the U.K.

Their Work 

Research Projects

See all research projects here.

Inequalities And Stillbirth In The U.K. 

What does existing research say about how to reduce stillbirths in disadvantaged families? 

Read supported research studies on stillbirth here.

Sands funded a review of inequalities and stillbirth.  Potentially avoidable inequalities mean that certain groups of people are more likely to experience the devastation of stillbirth.

The research team found evidence of links between inequalities and stillbirth as long as 70 years ago.  However, they found that there was no research studying how to reduce stillbirths in disadvantaged families in the U.K.

They suggest a specific research forum is required to lead the development of research and policy in this area, which can use different research perspectives and address the overlaps between different policy areas.

Read more about inequalities and stillbirth in the U.K. here

Parents And Neonatal Decisions Study

Improving communication during conversations about limiting life-sustaining treatment in neonatal intensive care. 

Read supported research studies on Healthcare professionals’ experiences here, parents and families experiences here and neonatal death here.

One of the most difficult decisions parents and doctors face in a neonatal unit is moving from full intensive care to palliative care.   The research team know from parents that these conversations can remain with them for the rest of their lives. 

How doctors handle these situations is usually based on their own experience or on training that involves sitting in on conversations more experienced doctors have with families. In a survey of doctors in 2014, most wanted more training in these conversations and breaking bad news, the team would like to improve the way these conversations are had by training doctors.

The team have recorded real conversations between parents and doctors and is analysing them.  The findings will then be used to create training to help doctors understand, communicate and support parents during these difficult conversations.

The parent advisory group, research team and Sands have also created a resource to support doctors having end-of-life conversations with parents.  The Parent advisory group share their tips about communicating sensitively and clearly and supporting the teams’ wellbeing.  The resource can be found at the end of this page.

You can find out more about the impact of this research on training doctors here.

Read more about parents and neonatal decisions study here.

Prediction And Prevention Of Perinatal Death

Read supported research studies on stillbirth here and neonatal death here.


This project aims to find a way of identifying babies at high risk of death in the womb or shortly after birth so that they can be monitored more closely and delivered early if necessary.  Effective preventive treatment could also lead to a reduction in the risk of death.  Stillbirth is a tragedy suffered by the families of 1 in 240 babies in the U.K. There has been a slow improvement in this figure in the past two decades, and the UK still lags in 24th place out of 49 high-income countries.  Most stillbirths occur in late pregnancy: approximately one-half after 34 weeks.  They urgently need an effective way of identifying these babies, in order to implement appropriate targeted management to reduce their risk.  Also, women whose babies are shown to be at low risk can be reassured, and their schedule of antenatal visits and scans tailored accordingly. In addition to the obvious clinical benefits to the baby and mother, this would result in significant financial savings and allow focus on those most in need.

Why is the research needed?

There is no single test that can accurately predict the risk of stillbirth in pregnant women.  Current national and international guidelines provide a list of risk factors based on clinical characteristics of the mother to assess their risk, but these have limited accuracy.  Many studies have found an association between abnormal biochemical tests and stillbirth.  Abnormal ultrasound findings of blood flow to the womb have also been shown to have some accuracy in identifying mothers at risk.  Unfortunately, these individual tests do not perform sufficiently well on their own for them to be used routinely.

Perinatal death includes stillbirth and deaths within the first week of life, and it affects 1 in 166 babies in the U.K. Existing evidence synthesis projects, where the published data from a number of similar studies are pooled and analysed together, on perinatal death have been unable to provide clear conclusions on the performance of the tests or prevention strategies.

What will the researchers do?

For this project, Dr Khalil’s research team will obtain the individual data of all participants in relevant studies, through the International Stillbirth Collaborative Network.  The team has established a similar network comprised of more than 50 researchers, with access to data from over 500,000 women to date.   Access to the individual data will allow them to take into account the many different factors that predict the risk of perinatal death and develop a scoring system (prediction model) to provide women with their individualised risk.   As part of the project, the team will test the performance of this scoring system to ensure that it is reliable. 

The plan is to also develop a tool or set of interventions to help prevent stillbirth, and this will be tested to ensure it is helpful for a large population of women.  Overall, the scoring system and preventive tool will allow doctors and midwives to tailor the care, monitoring and any possible intervention for each woman.

A third part of the project will involve drawing up an evidence-based list of important outcomes (such as whether the stillbirth occurred during the pregnancy or labour, early neonatal death and late neonatal death) which researchers should include in future studies aiming at preventing perinatal death.  The team will develop this list by working together with the experts in stillbirth, patient representatives, and the international initiatives Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials and Core Outcomes in Women’s Health.  This should improve the design and reporting of future studies, and make the results more useful.

What they expect from the study:

A scoring system to identify a woman’s individual risk of perinatal death.

A set of interventions appropriate for women with higher risk.

A set of definitions for use in future research looking into perinatal death.

Research Papers:

Can risk prediction models help us individualise stillbirth prevention? A systematic review and critical appraisal of published risk models can be read here.

Additional Information:

The lead researcher is Dr Asma Khalil, St George’s University of London.

Sum awarded: 


Other funding: 


Duration of study:

15 months from the 1st of December 2017 to the 28th of February 2019.

Find out more about what they do and their plans for the future in their research strategy here

Click here to see all the services they offer.

Their Finances 

Click here to view all of Sands finances to date.

Jobs Vacancies 

Click here to see the latest job vacancies at Sands.

Causes Of Baby Death

Click here to read more about causes of baby death.

There’s a wide range of reasons why babies die.  Causes of stillbirths (death before birth) and deaths of newborn babies (neonatal deaths) are looked at separately as different problems are more common in each group.


Many people think that stillbirths happen because of a developmental or genetic problem that means the baby could not survive.  In fact, this is the case for fewer than one in ten stillborn babies.   For one third of stillborn babies, the cause of death is not known.  For another third, the cause of death is attributed to problems with the placenta. 

Stillbirths In The U.K. Between 2016 - 2020
Image © Sands And Tommy's Joint Policy Unit

Neonatal Deaths

More than 40% of neonatal deaths are linked to prematurity or low birthweight, both of which increase the likelihood of serious health problems, including lung and gut conditions.  Another third of neonatal deaths are caused by genetic conditions present from birth. 

Neonatal Deaths In The U.K. Between 2016 - 2020
Image © Sands And Tommy's Joint Policy Unit

The MBRRACE-UK data in the two charts above only includes stillbirths and neonatal deaths at 24 weeks gestation or later, therefore these figures for causes of death do not include earlier stillbirths and neonatal deaths. The causes of death shown on the charts are explained below. 

Other Causes Of Stillbirth And Neonatal Death

(1)  Infection.  This refers to deaths caused by infections that directly affect the mother, baby, or the environment within the womb, for example, Group B Strep.

(2) Intrapartum.  This includes deaths that happen during or shortly after birth due to complications or issues that arise during labour, such as when the baby does not receive enough oxygen during birth (birth asphyxia).

(3) Congenital anomaly.  This includes genetic anomalies present before birth, such as congenital heart defects.

(4) Fetal.  This includes deaths caused by any condition or event affecting the unborn baby, except for congenital anomalies, such as the baby being smaller than expected in the womb.

(5) Cord.  This refers to deaths caused by problems with the umbilical cord, such as the cord wrapping around the baby’s neck.

(6) Maternal.  This refers to health conditions in the mother that existed before pregnancy, were made worse by pregnancy, or arose because of pregnancy, for example, pre-eclampsia.

Sands And Tommy’s Joint Policy Unit

In 2022, the Sands and Tommy’s came together to form a Joint Policy Unit. Together we are focussed on achieving policy change that will save more babies’ lives during pregnancy and the neonatal period and on tackling inequalities in loss so that everyone can benefit from the best possible outcomes.  

The Sands and Tommy’s Joint Policy Unit is focused on achieving policy change so that fewer babies die, and inequalities in baby loss are eliminated. 

About Sands And Tommy’s Joint Policy Unit

In 2022, the Sands and Tommy’s came together to form a Joint Policy Unit. Together we are focussed on achieving policy change that will save more babies’ lives during pregnancy and the neonatal period and on tackling inequalities in loss, so that everyone can benefit from the best possible outcomes.  

Report: Better Board Oversight Needed To Save Babies’ Lives 

The safety and quality of maternity and neonatal services are the responsibility of the board in each NHS Trust. However, board oversight has been highlighted as an issue in successive inquiries and reviews.  

We reviewed publicly available board papers and minutes for seven NHS Trusts in England to analyse whether the information presented to boards, the process for review, and actions taken enabled boards to deliver on this responsibility.  

Our findings across these three areas raise questions about boards’ ability to have a full understanding of the performance of maternity and neonatal units under their direction under the current system.  

Click here to download the report in PDF format.

Click here to read their blog on HSJ.

Saving Babies’ Lives 2023: A Report On Progress 

The Sands and Tommy’s Joint Policy Unit is focussed on achieving policy change so that fewer babies die, and inequalities in baby loss eliminated. 

This report brings together data from different sources for the first time to show the extent of pregnancy loss and baby death across the UK. Outlining recent trends and evidence, as well as gaps in our understanding, it sets out key areas where action is required to reduce rates of miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm birth and neonatal death. 

This is not a one-off report – we will continue to provide independent oversight of progress, and are committed to working with government and policymakers to secure change that will save more babies’ lives in the future.

Click here to download the summary report in PDF format.

Click here to download the full report in PDF format.  Please note: The stillbirth rate and extended perinatal mortality rate for Wales were updated in August 2023.  In the original publication in May 2023, the infant mortality rate for Wales was incorrectly entered as the stillbirth rate.

Click here to download the infographic in PDF format. 

For more information about the Joint Policy Unit, please click here to contact Robert Wilson, Head of the Joint Policy Unit. 

Watch And Listen

Sands have worked on a number of special projects and collaborations highlighting the impact of baby loss.  Click here to see all of them.

Lewis Capaldi’s Song For Rob And Charlotte Allen

Lewis Capaldi’s released a video for his song Pointless that tells Rob and Charlotte Allen’s moving and inspirational story.

Sands was so very grateful to Lewis and his team at E.M.I. for wanting to share the story behind Sands United and helping more people find out about their work saving babies’ lives and supporting bereaved families like Rob and Charlotte’s.

Since Rob set up that first team in Northampton, Sands United has grown to become a unique way for dads and other bereaved men to come together through a mutual love of sport.  Each team provides its members with peer support, and a safe space to talk about their grief if and when they’re ready.

Here is what Sands United founder and Patron said,

“When our baby Niamh died our world fell apart. I really struggled to find the words to talk about how I was feeling, and I now know that I’m not alone in feeling this isolation. Few experiences can compare to the trauma and pain of losing a baby. Many people don’t get the support they need or even know that there is support out there. 

“Setting up the first Sands United FC was a lifeline for me, and it has now helped hundreds of other men affected by pregnancy or baby loss. From the moment we put on our shirts and step out onto the pitch with our babies’ names over our hearts, every Sands United member knows they are understood and that everyone in that team is there to support them. 

“I can’t say a big enough thank you to Lewis Capaldi for gifting us this opportunity to share our family’s story and show how Sands will continue to help so many bereaved people to survive. All our babies are always loved and never forgotten. Life after loss can sometimes feel pointless but I want anyone touched by this grief to know there is also hope.” 

Support Group

Click here to find out where your local Sands support group is.

Get Involved 

Their work is totally dependent on their supporters.  Join them and share their vision of a world where fewer babies die, and where every bereaved family gets the care and support they need, when they need it, for as long as they need it.

Play a role in helping them carry out vital work to improve maternity safety and save babies’ lives.

Without the generosity of people like you, their work would not be possible.

There are lots of ways for you to get involved and support them, from volunteering at an event, to campaigning for better services.  Click here to find out more information.

Latest Updates

Click here to see all of their latest updates.


You can donate to Sands by clicking here


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Helpline: 0808 164 3332

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Shop: 020 3031 8898

Media enquiries: 07748 047337


E-Mail Newsletter

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The above article was sourced from the Sands website and is subject to change.

Blog Posts

Notes And Links

Sands – The image shown at the top of this page is the copyright of Sands and comes from their official website.

Sands on Facebook. 

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Sands on Instagram.

Sands on Linkedin.

Sands on YouTube

Tommy’s – Official website. 

Tommy’s on Facebook.

Tommy’s on Twitter.

Tommy’s on Instagram.

Tommy’s on Linkedin.

Mental Health

Image © of cottonbro via Pexels

Something that has impacted most of my life.

You can read more about this important topic in my Decades section and in my blog posts below.

About Mental Health

Mental health is “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).  Mental health includes subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, intergenerational dependence, and self-actualization of one’s intellectual and emotional potential, among others.  From the perspectives of positive psychology or holism, mental health may include an individual’s ability to enjoy life and to create a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience.  Cultural differences, subjective assessments, and competing professional theories all affect how one defines “mental health”.  Some early signs related to health problems are sleep irritation, lack of energy and suicidal thinking.

The History Of Mental Health

Early History

In the mid-19th century, William Sweetser was the first to coin the term mental hygiene, which can be seen as the precursor to contemporary approaches to work on promoting positive mental health.  Isaac Ray, the fourth president of the American Psychiatric Association and one of its founders, further defined mental hygiene as “the art of preserving the mind against all incidents and influences calculated to deteriorate its qualities, impair its energies, or derange its movements”.

In American history, mentally ill patients were thought to be religiously punished.  This response persisted through the 1700s, along with the inhumane confinement and stigmatization of such individuals.  Dorothea Dix (1802–1887) was an important figure in the development of the “mental hygiene” movement.  Dix was a school teacher who endeavoured to help people with mental disorders and to expose the sub-standard conditions into which they were put.  This became known as the “mental hygiene movement”.  Before this movement, it was not uncommon that people affected by mental illness would be considerably neglected, often left alone in deplorable conditions without sufficient clothing.  From 1840 to 1880, she won over the support of the federal government to set up over 30 state psychiatric hospitals; however, they were understaffed, under-resourced, and were accused of violating human rights.

Emil Kraepelin in 1896 developed the taxonomy of mental disorders which has dominated the field for nearly 80 years. Later, the proposed disease model of abnormality was subjected to analysis and considered normality to be relative to the physical, geographical and cultural aspects of the defining group.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Clifford Beers founded “Mental Health America – National Committee for Mental Hygiene”, after the publication of his accounts as a patient in several lunatic asylums, A Mind That Found Itself, in 1908 and opened the first outpatient mental health clinic in the United States.

The mental hygiene movement, similar to the social hygiene movement, had at times been associated with advocating eugenics and sterilization of those considered too mentally deficient to be assisted into productive work and contented family life.  In the post-WWII years, references to mental hygiene were gradually replaced by the term ‘mental health’ due to its positive aspect that evolves from the treatment of illness to preventive and promotive areas of healthcare.

Read more about The History Of Mental Health here

Mental Health Disorders

Mental health, as defined by the Public Health Agency of Canada, is an individual’s capacity to feel, think, and act in ways to achieve a better quality of life whilst respecting personal, social, and cultural boundaries.  Impairment of any of these is a risk factor for mental disorders, which are components of mental health.  Mental disorders are defined as health conditions that affect and alters cognitive functioning, emotional responses, and behaviour associated with distress and/or impaired functioning.  The DSM-5 is used as a classification system of various mental disorders.

Mental health is associated with a number of lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, stress, drug abuse, social connections and interactions.  Therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurse practitioners, or family physicians can help manage mental illness with treatments such as therapy, counselling or medication.

Read more about Mental Health here.

The above articles were taken from Wikipedia and are subject to change.

Mental Health Conditions

The following list is from the NHS Mental Health page.  Click on each link for further help and advice on that particular condition.

Mental Health Charities

Anxiety UKOfficial website.  They were formed in 1970, by Katharine and Harold Fisher as a result of Katharine’s experience of agoraphobia and her desire to develop support for others similarly affected.  Since those early beginnings, they have grown to become a national organisation with an international reach, whilst retaining a user-led ethos – being run by and for those with anxiety.  Many of their small seven-strong staff team have their own lived experience and understand the distress, isolation and misery that anxiety can cause.  We’re here to help and can support you to find ways to control anxiety instead of it controlling you.

Bipolar UK – Official website.  Their mission is to empower everyone affected by bipolar to live well and fulfil their potential.

Birmingham MindOfficial website.  Birmingham Mind is the largest independent mental health charity providing services in and beyond the City of Birmingham’s boundaries.  Their website shows how they are promoting wellbeing and recovery, providing high-quality support and challenging the stigma of mental distress.

CALMOfficial website.  CALM stands for Campaign Against Living Miserably and they are taking a stand against suicide.  That means standing against feeling shit, standing up to stereotypes, and standing together to show life is always worth living.  125 lives are lost every week to suicide.  And 75% of all UK suicides are male.  They exist to change this.  They do it by provoking conversation, running life-saving services, and bringing people together so they reject living miserably, get help when they need it and don’t die by suicide.  But they can’t do it alone. Stand with them.

Mental Health Foundation – Official website.  Their vision is for a world with good mental health for all.   They work to prevent mental health problems.  Helping people understand, protect and sustain their mental health.  They will drive change towards a mentally healthy society for all, and support communities, families and individuals to live mentally healthier lives, with a particular focus on those at greatest risk.

Mind Official website.  Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.  They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.  They won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect.

Rethink Mental IllnessOfficial website.  Their vision is for equality, rights, fair treatment and maximum quality of life for all those affected by mental illness, their carers, family and friends.  As one of the largest charitable providers of services for people living with mental illness, they are well placed to make a direct impact on the care people receive.  But they have a much larger vision too – to transform at every level the way our nation approaches mental illness.  Every year, our diverse range of information and support helps tens of thousands of people get through crises, live independently and feel that they do not have to face mental illness alone.

Samaritans – Official website.  Whatever you’re facing, a Samaritan will face it with you.  Every day, Samaritans volunteers respond to around 10,000 calls for help.  They are here, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure.  Samaritans are not only for the moment of crisis, they are taking action to prevent the crisis.  They give people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others.  And they encourage, promote and celebrate those moments of connection between people that can save lives.  They offer to listen and support people and communities in times of need.  In prisons, schools, hospitals and on the rail network, Samaritans are working with people who are going through a difficult time and training others to do the same.  Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, and Samaritans’ vision is that fewer people die by suicide.  That’s why they work tirelessly to reach more people and make suicide prevention a priority.

The Blurt Foundation – Official website.  Think of them as the knowing nod.  You’ve seen it – a slight bob of the head, often accompanied by a smile.  A little movement that says, “I understand”, “I’m listening” and “I’m here for you”. That’s Blurt.  They really understand how devastating depression can be.  Jobs come to an end, relationships break down and lives can be lost, all through the effect of depression.  That’s why the work they do is so important – it not only changes lives but saves them.

YoungMinds – Official website.  The sheer scale of the problem we’re faced with can feel overwhelming.  More young people than ever before need support for their mental health and accessing that support quickly can make a critical difference to those young people.  Yet, most of the time those young people need to wait. And wait. And wait.  When it feels like nothing is there for you when you need it most, you feel alone.  For far too many young people, this is their reality.  When they need help and can’t get it, it feels like they’re being told they don’t matter.  YoungMinds have called their strategy ‘You Matter’ because, ultimately, that is what this is all about.

Blog Posts

Notes And Links

cottonbro on Pexels – The image shown at the top of this page is the copyright of cottonbro.  You can find more great work from the photographer and lots more free stock photo’s at Pexals.