Growing up in England from a child to a teenager in the 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s, Halloween was an American thing you saw on the telly. There was no dressing up and trick-or-treating, not in my family home anyway. Even when my kids were younger I never really bothered much about Halloween. It was just all too American for me and just liked the English traditions I was brought up with. They had fun wearing masks, bobbing for apples etc. but we never went out dressed up knocking on people’s doors, in fact, I don’t recall ever seeing anyone else do it either.
Nowadays all of the above is a common sight. I am no killjoy and I don’t knock anyone who really enjoys it. I admit it’s a fun thing for kids to do and a good excuse for a party for the adults which I have enjoyed going to in the past few years. When you have suffered from depression and anxiety for as long as I have, just to be included can be a lifesaver.
The main thing I like about Halloween is dressing up and the Horror theme to it. I have never celebrated Halloween in my life in the past because, since I was a kid, I have loved horror. Every day is Halloween for me, ha ha.
Below are photos of Halloween celebrations of me and my family over the years.
The quality of some of these photos is not the greatest but I have tried to enhance them the best I can but they are worth reminiscing about on here regardless.
2021 (Continued)
Click here for 2021 details.

Me and my sister Julie.

Me and my great nephew Billy.

My cool Freddy Krueger Halloween costume.
I won the Best Costume award for this. Thank you to my niece Faye for that and the bottle of Bucks Fizz and the cool cover it was in that she crocheted herself.

Hey You Guys!
The day after the Halloween party I tried on the mask my sister Yvonne gave me what she wore of Sloth from The Goonies.
It doesn’t exactly look like him and I can guarantee it did in the stock photo from where it was purchased from.
I happily had it to add to my mask collection as Yvonne was just going to throw it away! It is another mask that is not full over the head so my glasses can be worn underneath it if I decide to wear it again which I doubt but I am always happy to receive anything free regarding horror, masks and Halloween costumes. They are all appreciated.
This was my fifth Halloween party and I wore my cool Werewolf costume. Like the previous years, the quality of the mask was nothing like in the photo from the place I ordered it from but I wasn’t unhappy about it because it was very close and I enjoyed wearing it. It was my fourth favourite Halloween costume since I started wearing Halloween costumes.
I ordered myself some slip-on werewolf feet, and werewolf gloves and, just like most masks in stock photos that you buy, these were not as good quality as them and I didn’t like how the feet slipped on over your shoes but it was the best I could find. I wore a blooded shirt with it. I got some fake fur to stick to my chest using titty tape, ha ha. I made my own meaty blood and that was a laugh (see below) and I used a severed hand prop (which I rubbed in dirt and sprayed fake blood on it) to complete the scary look to it all.
This wasn’t the werewolf I wanted to go as originally. I wanted to go as the Universal Classic Monsters The Wolf Man version from 1941, starring Lon Chaney Jnr. However, there wasn’t a mask available for him so I thought I would try and get a look similar to my favourite werewolf film ever, An American Werewolf In London. I saw a very cool mask that would have been cool but after reading a lot of reviews and seeing you really get a PATHETIC version of it, (no surprise there), I decided to go for a generic werewolf look. It bothered me that everything I wore didn’t match the same shade of brown but regardless it was a costume I enjoyed wearing.
Picture this scene. I had recently been attacked and bitten by a werewolf but I managed to get away somehow. The next night there was a full moon and I changed into a wolf man. I run around outside to find someone to kill. A bloke sees me, panics and runs into some nearby muddy woods. I attack him and he falls to the ground. I grab his legs and drag him. Screaming, he grabs any fallen trees and branches he can to stop himself from going any further. Desperately clawing the ground, his dirty hands could not save him now). I pounce on him, bite his throat and chew on it, causing blood to soak my shirt. I bite one of his dirty hands off before running off with it in my hand to find my next victim. This was the inspiration for the look I wanted to achieve for this Halloween party. I have always had a great imagination since I was little!
This was another tight mask meaning I couldn’t wear my glasses underneath making it hard to see (especially in the dark) but I could wear my hearing aids which is always good at noisy parties. However, it was not as tight as three years ago and I didn’t have to cut a slit in the back of it like I did with that one but I still had trouble getting it on and off. Out of all my masks, this was the one I sweated the most in. I was very hot wearing this. I did put baby talcum powder in it but it made no difference.
As mentioned above, the meaty blood I made (the night before) was a laugh because, oh boy, did it smell!
I used fake blood in a jug and added ripped-up cotton balls, green and red food colouring and washing-up liquid to get the colour and constancy of blood-stained chewed-up meat. I just couldn’t get it how I pictured it in my head.
I added more cotton wool and put it in the microwave (not shown) thinking the heat would help thicken it but that was a disaster. The whole lot overflowed and made my microwave look like a horror scene from a film!
I was either getting too light, or too dark by adding a bit of red and brown sauce to it, too watery or too thick, by adding shredded tissue to it. I added sweet pickle so the chunks in it would make it look like chunks of flesh. Eventually, I was sort of happy with what I had (and you can see in the photos of it in my mouth and hanging from it, it looked realistic) but as you can imagine it smelled very tangy indeed and it sure did make the car stink on the journey there and it was noticed by people at the party too. Still, it made the whole experience very memorable, ha ha.
The photos below were taken at my sister Julie’s house where I got ready and at my nephew Wayne’s house on the 30th of October, 2022.

My cool werewolf Halloween costume.
Complete with meat in my mouth and hanging from my fur.

My cool werewolf Halloween costume.
I had just got ready at Julie’s ready for the Halloween party.

My cool werewolf Halloween costume.

My cool werewolf Halloween costume.
It is thirsty work being a werewolf and killing people, ha ha.

Me and my sister Julie.

Me and my great nephew Harley.

Making fake bloodied meat.

My cool werewolf Halloween mask.
The day after the Halloween party I washed my shirt and mask for keepsakes. The wolf looks like he has had a stroke, ha ha.
Later that day I went to a kid’s get-together. It wasn’t a Halloween party as such so I haven’t classed it as one.
Anyway, I wasn’t sure what to wear so I cobbled an outfit together. I went as a devil. I have had this mask for a long time. my gloves were from my 2017 outfit and my cloak from the 2019 one. I already had the shrunken head (again from a long time ago as part of my horror collection). This devil liked to shrink people’s heads, chop them off and keep them as souvenirs.
There’s that great imagination again!
The photos below were taken at my sister Julie’s house where I got ready on the 31st of October, 2022.

My devil Halloween costume.
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The image shown above of a carved pumpkin is the copyright of Wikipedia user Toby Ord. It comes with a Creative Commons licence (CC BY-SA 2.5).
The images above are copyright of Frank Parker unless stated.
The images above of me and my great nephew Billy, my cool werewolf Halloween costume and my sister Julie, and my great nephew Harley are copyright of Julie Shingler.
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